Sunday, June 10, 2007

Initiating a Blog

Having been recently inspired after a blogging discussion at Outer Banks (the 2007 version), I figure it is time for me to enter the technological age. This is my start. I don't expect to make it anywhere higher than "Disappointing" on Pennoch's list for at least the next 5 months but hey at least I hope to make it on the list!



Sarah said...

Welcome! Mike is good like that to keep us posted on how other people are doing. Just remember, he also has the status of appalling and even one lower of criminal. So many goals to shoot for, so little time needed to get there. :)

Rob said...

Ooh, I see the dig you got in early, before he could even rank you, you went ahead and spelled his name wrong. That's just the kind of subtle slight that will keep him in his place. Keep up the good fight!

Mike P said...

Don't listen to them. They're just jealous because your blog is better than theirs.